Prosciutto CRUDo

Simple Tables and forms to create a nice looking admin panel in short amount of time. Go ahead take a slice.

Getting Started

Install Chakra UI

Install peer deps

npm i @chakra-ui/react @emotion/react@^11 @emotion/styled@^11 framer-motion@^6 react-icons

Then install prosciutto

npm install prosciutto-crudo

Then wrap your app in ChakraProvider


Generic Table

First NameLast NameActions
import { ProsciuttoFactory } from 'prosciutto-crudo'; const { GenericTable } = ProsciuttoFactory<{ Person: { firstName: string; lastName: string; id: string; }; }>(); export default () => { const [tablePeople, setTablePeople] = useState(people); return <GenericTable onDelete={(o) => setTablePeople( (ppl) => ppl.filter((p) => !== )} object="Person" objects={tablePeople} primaryKey="id" searchKey="lastName" params={[ { key: 'firstName', label: 'First Name' }, { key: 'lastName', label: 'Last Name', }, ]} /> }

Rich Content Field

import { RichContentField } from 'prosciutto-crudo' export default () => { const [rcfValue, setRcfValue] = useState(''); return <RichContentField style={{ background: 'white', padding: '2rem' }} value={rcfValue} onChange={(e) => setRcfValue(e)} /> }

Multiple Relation Field

Add Olive Oil

import { MultipleRelationField } from 'prosciutto-crudo' export default () => { const [selectedOlives, setSelectedOlives] = useState<string[]>([]); return <MultipleRelationField objects={[ { name: 'Garlic Olive Oil', _id: 'jsidaiudjsaui', }, { name: 'Pepper Olive Oil', _id: 'dsdssadad', }, ]} displayKey="name" name="Olive Oil" primaryKey="_id" selectedObjects={selectedOlives} setSelectedObjects={setSelectedOlives} /> }